Monday, January 11, 2016

A Noogie for Checker

 Hooray for Checker!! At long last he has found his furever home. His mom, Julia Roberts, lives in Madison and his Brother, Chubby, now Ben lives in Oshkosh!

He will be living with his Mom and Dad near Slinger and I've already heard from his Mom. He's pretty shy, which we all expected but he liked sitting on the couch. 

Despite what Connor says, we're going to miss Checker around here. He was finally starting to come out of his shell and display his crazy goofy side. Such a sweet sweet boy.

Congratulations Checker!

Happy to give you your Noogie at long last.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay!!!! Always a warm feeling to see the noogie picture show up. Means something really great happened. Like the bell ringing in Its a Wonderful Life, , only this means a fur baby got a home!