Wednesday, July 29, 2015


 So... It's been kind of a busy summer. I've been pretty bad about updating my Fluffy Blog so I'll add a bunch of pictures of everthing we've done all summer this far. 

Checker is a sweet, sweet boy. He's scared of some stuff, but not Thunderstorms. He gets nervous around new men (and 18year old young men) but he does great with women and girls.

Yes, he is housetrained but he likes to chew so I kennel him when we leave. 

He sleeps in an open kennel at night - somebody took the door off and neglected to put it back on a while ago. 

He does GREAT with our cats and even plays with our youngest cat who plays back with him. 

He doesnt shed too much. Less than a Labrador but more than a poodle

Do I know what breed he is? Uh. No. He's got short legs, a long body and coarse-ish hair. 

Checker loves the dog park but couldnt quite grasp the joy of camping. He didnt understand why he had to sleep in the tent when we had a perfectly good house four hours south. 

He does LOVE swimming. We havent convinced him to dock jump but with his long body and short legs, it would be more like a dock flop. 

This week we have a guest at The Lodge. An 80# Golden Retriever. So far, so good.

We went to Peninsula State Park with Checker and made some new friends.
I like this chair.

Well, maybe blue is more my color

Scratch that. Dad's lap is definitely my color.

This is my foster cousin Cooper.

Discovered that Checker liked swimming. He Te'a and 'Nali took an early morning dip into Lake Michigan while at Peninsula State Park.

Finally, we get to go home and sleep in a house.

We also went to Ashippun Lake to do some swimming.
Ooh, geez - who's gonna get that??

I'd really like to jump but prolly not

Yup. There's the ball.

There's a deer on the far side of the fence

We also go to the dog park everyday. 
Running is hard work. Photobombed by Remi - not a Fluffy, btw.

Need to stay hydrated when it is this hot. 
Maybe get a swim in too.

When you're a short guy like me, the long dewy grass gets you pretty wet

We made another new friend at the dog park. She teased the pups for quite a while at close distance before she bounded off. 

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