Friday, November 4, 2011


Wilma-Karmajane - How far you've come in the short time you've been here.  She has become quite the dog and will be quite the pet for some lucky family.   She has extra high energy which we've been burning off daily at the dog park and I take her to work with me once a week for more socialization.  With all the running, her muscles are so toned.  She looks amazing!!

I'd like to say she's housetrained but then, I put her out in the garage while I get a coat and shoes so she doesn't go on the carpet. 

She rides well in the car and she's a good eater.

Ok, there's the good stuff.  Here come the challenges.

I don't think she was ever around little kids.  She's great with Kiera, my 10 year old.  She's 85% better with Connor my 14 year old.  BUT... I dont' think she likes little kids - 6, 7, 8 - So if you're a family with no little kids and interested in Wilma-Karmajane, that would help.

She's better at the dog park.  She's let several women pet her, tip to tail - She forgot to be afraid!!  She's also letting my co-workers pet her too!  However, men and men in baseball caps are still fair game for a couple of woofs and she won't get near you.  But, we did a home visit last week and she walked right up to the man of the family.  (It was a home visit for another Fluffy Dog - Rodger - Congrats Rog!)  They were approved!

She's also taken an interest in jumping fences at work.  We have four foot fences separating the small dogs from the large dogs and the "don't-play-nice-with-others" and she decided she'd just start jumping over to see what was on the other side.  We'll have to curb that before Max eats her.  Eek.

She is quite the character, but then, arent' they all??  Here are some current shots from the past few days!

You want me to what??

What else?  Apples.

Teaching Barberry Hope to like apples too!

YaY!  Lucky Carol got to pet Wilma-Karmajane.  Do you see Chaz int he corner?  He is a previous Fluffy Dog Too!!

Playing in the frost this morning!

Again, simply stunning.

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