Friday, November 4, 2011

Barberry Hope

Barberry-Hope.  I knew it wouldn't take long before we saw you.  It's been five days and today you showed us you.  We've been going to the dog park everyday.  The first few days I kept her on the lead and the harness - fearing for the worst.  I took the harness and the lead off yesterday and she has become a new dog.

She runs and smiles!  Today she and Wilma-Karmajane were playing together (until Wilma-Karmajane got a little too rough and then Barberry Hope decided they needed to slow it down at bit.)

I'd like to tell you that she is housetrained but I'm not sure if that is truly accurate.  See, in the days she's been here, she's only gone potty about six times.  She must be part camel.

Scott thinks that perhaps they were kept in the basement because she really wants to be down there.  Ah, no, that's no life for a dog.  She also has not had a drink out of the community water bowl.  She prefers porcelain. 

She's not a big eater either.  Whether it's still nerves or just the dog, the next weeks will reveal that.

Also, she's still pretty unnerved about the sleeping arrangements here.  Like I said, I think that she was kept in the basement so be able to roam the house free is a bit weird for her.  She's been taking cat naps but is in great need of a full eight.  But then, so I am.

Until then, here are some pictures from the first couple of days she was here.  Not much to look at.  She looks pretty freaked out but she's still beautiful!

See!!  Running AND Smiling!!!  Took this one Today!!
She laid down, inhaled a looooong breath, sighed.  And now, she sleeps - relaxed and content - like all dogs should.

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