Monday, May 30, 2011

A "Toad" - aly Fun Weekend

Hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and got to be out and enjoy the wonderful weather. 

Saturday morning we drove to the Falls and wandered around the Hosta Guy's yard.  Wow!  Never ceases to amaze me.  Gorgeous plants for sale and now in my yard as well. 

We also figured, ok, I figured, that since we were that far north, we'd check in and see how Henry was doing in his new place.  Again, many apologies for the drop in, Dan and Linda, but thank you for letting us come over.  It was wonderful to see Henry AND Bobby (aka Sabi) again (and you guys as well!).  They look amazing too! 

We crashed a graduation party and heard some of our friends perform some awesome vocals!!  Thanks again for the invite, Stuie.  Jeff and Sherry, thanks for dinner.  Kerry & Jess - thanks for hosting!  Lookin' forward to Martifest in a few months - I've got some change in my pocket goin' jing-a-ling-a-ling... Well, you know how the rest goes.

Dinner with our good friends last night - Yum - Thanks for the good eats and always entertaining conversation.

Today I washed my front porch and rearranged some hostas in the yard.  With the cooler temps and the rain, the hostas are looking good.

So, what does this all have to do with Toads, you ask??  Well, today while I was washing the porch, Connor was in charge of the dogs.  While they were running around the backyard, Kringle-Carlos discovered one of the gazillion toadies hopping around the grounds at The Lodge.  He tried to eat it and discovered, much to his dismay that Wisconsin toadies don't taste very good.

Maybe in Alabama toads taste better.  Maybe in Alabama each toad has his (or her) own flavor - some being better than others.  Whatever it was Kringle-Carlos wasn't entirely convinced that the toad he was playing with earlier today tasted worse than the toad he ate about twenty minutes ago.  So, he tried another one.

I'm pretty sure this one didn't taste much better because after he dropped it he shook his shaggy little head to get the taste out of his mouth.  And then... he went back in for another bite.  And another, and another and another.  By the time I called them all in for bedtime, he was.... er.... foaming at the mouth. 

Now, I've never actually seen a dog foaming at the mouth, until this very day.  It ain't pretty.  It kind of looked like the bubbles left in the sink after you've washed the dishes and you've used too much soap at the start of the project.  He had a little bubble beard in his beard and kind of a handle-bar foamy 'stache as well.

When he couldn't take the beard hanging from his face any longer, she shook his head.  Blech.  There were great stringy globs of toad-mouth foam all over the wall in my kitchen.  Thankfully he's just a little doggy and not like our pal, Henry and it was just a little toad-mouth foam and I was able to clean it up with one swipe of the towel on his bearded little chin. (Sorry, no pictures or video, it was too dark.  Maybe tomorrow we'll find more and shoot a little video for you)

So, furever family, there you have it.  If you have a toady problem in your yard, Carlos is your man.

And for those of you here to read more about Winsor-Finn, he's doing great too.  We try to go the dog park every day and get his heart pounding and get him socialized with the other big doggies there.  He's come a long way in a short time.  He's made a bunch of friends (hi to Boris) and looks forward to going everyday!

Hope to see you all soon!

Thanks for reading!  Have a "toad-aly great week!!

1 comment:

Fluffy Dogs On The Go said...

You are a riot! What a weekend! So happy to hear that Henry has found his true place in the world.
Carlos is a hoot....toad eat'n for the book! I miss you guys....looks like I will be moving north soon...Delavan or Walworth we are a gettin closer to ya!
Kris & Crew!