Most recently, last summer, they adopted a beautiful Great Pyrenese boy whose name is Ollie. When he came to us he was was so, so thin and had mange and he was just a young puppy. He was hardly energetic and yes, basically not such a good looking guy. Today he is at least 100 pounds with a full gorgeous coat and boundless puppy energy.
Two-ish years ago, they adopted Ziggy. He and his brother came up from Alabama to Wisconsin. His brother also lives in our area and Jenny has seen him at the dog park at Nashotah Park. He's yellow with some crazy kind of terrier hair - all fluffy and wild looking.
Ziggy is dark with tan. He's got that same wiry-sticky-outy hair. Jenny has been telling me all along how much Ziggy and Finn look alike. I'm kind of a skeptic and from what I remembered of Zig, they had similar colors and hair styles, but nothing like I saw yesterday.
When Ziggy and Ollie were in the gate waiting to come into the park, I could have sworn that Finn was standing there, even though I had his leash in my hand. Even Stu, who was watching Finnie and Boris play earlier in a different part of the park, thought that it was Finnie playing with Boris again when it was really Ziggy.
How eerie is their resemblance? Scroll down to see Finnie and his "doppelganger" or would that be Ziggy and his twin? Thanks for the pic, Jenny!
Finn is the one on the left. Ziggy on the right. I'll have to get more face shots of the boys... unless, furever family, you'd like to do that!
Thanks for reading!!
1 comment:
Hi is amazing how much those two look a like! So Carlos is still with you....Shell I think he is your dog!
Drop me a line some time when you have time...I've been laid off again...I don't think anyone likes me! Mollz and Jake send their love to you and all your four and two legged family
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