Sunday, April 3, 2011

Here's Your Noogie!!

Well, the house is (a lot) quieter this afternoon.  The dogs are all settling in.  Since January we've had three foster dogs living here at The Lodge.  Today, we are down the final boarder. 

Siddy, now Riley, left about two hours ago with his moms on his way to his new life in Oshkosh.  He'll be living with an older sister who is a yellow lab and cocker spaniel mix. 

I hope they don't mind too much if I tell their story but... here goes.  Mom was looking on the internet and saw a picture of Siddy and said, "Oh, I'd love to have this dog, but four dogs, in the city, just not feasible."

The family had three dogs - one dalmation, one dalmation mix and Echo, Sid-Riley's new sister. All were rescue dogs, one dal was about five and a half and the other about twelve-ish. Echo, is presently about three.  A while back, one of the dalmations was diagnosed with cancer.  Five weeks later the other was diagnosed with a different kind of cancer.

The family knew that bad times were ahead.  It was just a matter of time.

A couple of weeks ago one of them crossed over to Rainbow Bridge.  Nine days later, the other followed.  I'm not sure how they functioned.  I've only ever lost one dog at a time and I was a disaster for a week.  If I think about it hard enough I could conjure up tears.  But to lose two.

Well, enter happy endings.  Mom looked back on the internet and discovered that Siddy was still available.  As you know the process already, the rest is history and Sid-Riley left with them this afternoon.

Thankfully, they arrived after that crazy hailstorm that lasted like fifteen minutes and before whatever is to come later on tonight.

So here's your Noogie Sid-Riley.  Hope you have a Happy Life!  Looking forward to seeing lots of pictures of you in the future!!

PS - I'm anxiously awaiting the day when I can put a Noogie on here for Carlos.  He's been out and about in the yard with just a leash on and comes back when he's called.  Furever family, we've socialized and curbed his running ways, he's all ready for you!!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Cheryl Hentz said...

Riley is getting adjusted very quickly and fitting in wonderfully so far. I think Echo is still a little uncertain about all the changes - she, and we, have endured a lot these past few months. But they've been playing a lot and they are going to be terrific for each other. Thanks for giving him a temporary home and taking such good care of him.