Wednesday, May 19, 2010

First the Dog Park, Then the Lake!

This morning I had a rare Wednesday morning off, so since it was a beautiful 75 degrees and sunny, I took the pack to the dog park. Jasper has made lots of friends there in the short three times we've gone and everybody loves him - people and doggies alike. And, he loves everybody too - people and doggies alike!

Cody, a pure 15" beagle with Jasper!
Runnin' is hot!

Hi Cody!

Crazy dogs chillin' in the shade!

Jasper and Cody - In tandem.

After everybody got all charged up I took them over to Ashippun Lake for a little swim. Will Jasper swim? Or won't Jasper swim? Curious minds want to know.

The first dip of the summer!

Gotta shake off the winter blahs.

Ok...really, what are you doing???

Must investigate the big WET doggies.

Will he? Or won't he? That is the question...


Yeah. Not going in. Ever.

So tired.


Laura Paine Carr said...

what fun!

yes, the question: will he EVER go into the lake?

hehehehe. we'll see.

Judy said...

The last one cracks me up! What a puppy! lol Seems I remember another little boy who was not in love with the water for a little while too.

Fluffy Dogs On The Go said...

He is just too cute....fits right in to Lab Land.....
We are taking Bear....but we shall call him Beauregard Behrens....Beau for short!
Great to be back
The Lady and Crew