Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Fresh Powder

Aaah, Fresh Powder in February. The groundhog predicted six more weeks of winter. Really? What a shocker.

The new fluffy snow was just the thing for my spirits this morning. Covered up all that yucky brown grass and other....brown stuff....

I didn't take the dogs for a walk but decided I would try a little experiment that I've been dying to try.

I left Mocha and Te'a outside after I dropped Kiera off at school and went to get Bella so she could take care of business. I added a looong chunk of clothesline to her leash to provide her a little more freedom when she is outside. Afterall, I'm not a big fan of people standing over me while I'm tryin' to take care of business. Why shouldn't a dog be any different?

Today, I committed a Fluffy Dog Crime. I know I'm a bit of a renegade and I know that Lori knows that too. But we also know that I wouldn't do it unless I was fairly sure of the outcome.

I dropped Bella's leash. On purpose. Yes. But I tell you Fluffy Friends, to see that dog running and playing with the big doggies, up the driveway, down the driveway and round and round and round the front yard.

Bella was chasing Te'a on a flat out run. Te'a jumped up the wall next to the driveway and Bella followed just as fluidly. So amazing. You should have seen the smile on her face, the determination to get that other doggie. Beautiful. Just Beautiful.

Soon all three dogs were involved in a out-in-out race and chase around the yard. Bella wasn't quite so sure about going around the house and she came back towards me. She even ran faster to me when I made the Referees Field Goal Arm Raise.

Lo and Behold it's easier to convince a dog to take care of business when you aren't standing over them. So hopefully we've gotten the idea of that crazy housetraining thing lodged in her brain.

What a change from when she first arrived. The first couple times I did the field goal thing, she cowered even smaller if you can imagine. What a great change. I am so proud of her.

No, I didn't take any pics or videos. Had to make sure I was focused if she decided to take herself for a little walk down our street. So Beautiful.

She still wasn't sure about coming in the garage with the car parked in there but with a little encouragement she was good to go.

So, that's all I have. But that's pretty big. Her stamina isn't where its supposed to be yet, but it'll get there. I promise. She'll run with the big doggies around the house. Woof.


Cricket said...

Yeah Bella!!!

Judy said...

Honestly? I had tears and goose bumps! Amazing, she's a DOGGIE!!!!
And would you look at that tail?

:- ))))))))))))))

Kris said...

yippy ki a