Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hurry UP!

I have an intelligent aging Labrador. She thinks that she's not able to jump into the back of my Ford Freestyle. So she puts her front feet up on the back deck and gives me "the look."  I scoop up her back end and lift her into my car. Lucky Jimmy has noticed this and he's not stupid. He will actually sit down and wait for me to pick him up - one end at a time. 

Somewhere in that process, over the course of the past few weeks, or maybe it was when I slipped down four stairs, I strained / injured my right hip flexior. It was quite painful and resulted in two trips to the doctor ~ I dont know, it might be cancer of my ... er... girl parts.

Doc said it was my hip flexior and that I needed to baby it. Yes, yes, he understood that I have kids and dogs and that I have a life and dont have time to sit around. 

Instead of taking the dogs to the dog park like I usually do, I've been playing ball with the "flinger" in the back yard. 

Apparently, I was taking too long to get my shoes on and they were starting a mutiny. 


PS - It really isnt that loud here all the time. This was a random mutiny. And, yes, my hip is feeling better; as long as I dont overdo.

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