Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dog Park, Again!

I know, if it seems like all we do is go to the dog park, you're mostly right.  It's a great socialization outlet for the dogs (ok, and me too) but also it's a good safe place for them to exercise and RUN!! With four dogs, three cats and two kids in the house, it gets a little nutty, to say the least.

Plus, plus.... the little southern doggies, like the northern doggies, LOVE THE SNOW!!  Plus, it exercises them harder because they have to leap through the snow.  Those little short guys have it harder than the longer legged fellows, as well, tiring them out all the more.

Off to the dog park we went, in the snow.


Yummy - snow is good.

Look at his tail-feathers growing in!

It was very snowy today.

Even the little guys like the snow!

As in... Dashing thru the -

Just standing around looking cool.

Driving carpool.

Trotting along the fence.

Thanks for reading!!

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