Sunday, March 7, 2010

She Continues to Grow and Grow...

Dear Fluffy Friends -

Bella continues to grow and develop into an awesome doggie.

Yesterday we had brunch at a friend's home (UM YUMMY - Gonna need the recipe for that Bluberry Bread Pudding) and we took all the doggies along.

At first Bella was a little nutty, pacing and settling in. After we moved into the family room, Bella came in and settled on the floor between us two "Michelle's". The other Michelle got up to check on Brunch and Bella jumped up and sat on the couch like she'd been there from the start. When she came back from the kitchen and sat down on the other side of Bella, Bella didn't move, she didn't flinch and she didn't get down.
She lifted her head up and looked at me as if to say, "Ok, I'm home now. I'm good."

The whole visit was so amazing. But as always when you are with your friends, time goes waaay too fast and we needed to leave. Bella was set to go back to her couch - we gotta go, girl.

When we arrived home later last night, she came into the family room where Scott and I were. I made myself available and sat on the floor and she came and laid on me. So cool. Later, she was just chillin' on the floor and Scott came over and laid down next to her. She just laid there with her head in his hand and let him love on her. So cool.

This afternoon the kids and I were watching some goofy movie, Shark Girl and Lava Boy or some such nonsense and Bella came in. I offered her some cheese puffs and she took them oh, so delicately out of my hand. This is as opposed to Mocha who will just as soon eat your fingers as the morsel you are offering. (Sorry about your mani, BTW, Michelle). But, Bella, being ever the lady, only took three and then laid down in front of Kiera's chair.
For those of you who are dog people, you know there's nothing like putting your naked, un-socked feet on your doggies back and petting her. And there's nothing I like more than a good challenge. My feet were bare as I had to take my socks off 'cuz my shoes got full of snow chasing Bella through ours and the neighbor's front yards. So I streeeetched out in my chair and rubbed my bare feet on Bella's beautiful hair. She stayed!
Okaaay. Let's try something else.
I oozed out of the chair and onto the floor. I started talking and petting her and moved sloooowly. Pretty soon I was snuggling with her and putting my face in her neck. Her tail wagging and wagging the entire time. Pretty soon she was...rolling.over.on.her.back and playing with me.
She was chewing on my hands and wagging her tail and letting me rub her belly. Yeah, it was that cool.
Things can only go up from here and soon enough she will be with her Furever Family, where she will be loved and adored and if her mom has her way...fed from the dining room table.
I think she deserves that, don't you??

Bella on Michelle & Dan's couch.


Mark said...

You can 'ooze' ? Wow.

The transformation is amazing and I can remember with each of the kids when it happened too. Finally they can say "It's okay" Bella is saying it in such a BIG way.


~and I want that recipe too! LOL!

Judy said...

Okay, Mark didn't post that..... we're still in computer black hell hole and interesting things still happen. He would have never requested the recipe! LOL!

Judy said...

Hey! You should bring Bella over here for a hunting lesson. Mia can show her what to do with a bunny....... a real icky bunny.....

Nah, on second thought, she's too much of a lady!