Saturday, March 21, 2009

Reasons to Get a Fluffy Doggie

If you had a Fluffy Doggie and NOT a Labrador Retriever...trips to the Beach, might look a little something like this....

"Oh, look here, a giant waterbowl...Ooh, cold...yummm."

If you had a Labrador....trips to the beach would involve words like "OH YEAH! COWABUNGA!! and "Shake, shake, shake, let's do it again!!"
Fluffy Dog: "aaah...water....The 'paws' that refreshes."

Labrador: "Got...water...(rrrr)"

Another very, very, (very) good reason to get a Fluffy is that your child would not be able this to your Fluffy (cuz, Fluffies are...welll....fluffy):

Plus...Fluffies are cute when they sleep (because they aren't bouncing off the walls because they've just had a two mile walk - whew). And they have clever markings like banyan trees.

Any questions?? I didn't think so. This has been a public service announcement from your local Fluffy Foster Family.

PS. I am posting the first recorded "glow eye" that I have seen of this dog - Amazing!! I was beginning to wonder.

Last one, I promise....Labrador....

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